World War II might have ended, but the battle over World War II has exploded into one big mess of screaming headlines, "shocking revelations" and national pride.
First up to bat, the editors of the Polish newspaper Super Express commemorated the 70th anniversary of World War II with a front-page photo of the Katyn massacre and the headline: “Russia! Apologize for your crimes!"
Then Putin tried to calm things down in advance of his visit to Poland by publishing an op-ed in Gazeta Wyborcza condemning the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
But before anyone could hope that Putin might transform the Russian-Polish relationship into a magical land of bunnies and rainbows, the Russian Intelligence Service (SVR) decided this was a good time to announce that Jozef Beck, Poland’s pre-war Foreign Minister, was really a secret German agent. Yet, more evidence that Poland is to blame for starting World War II.
...Never mind that business with the Nazis. Or the fact that Hitler and Stalin agreed to carve up Poland like a Christmas ham. The Poles were to blame and their leaders where spies.
Happy anniversary everyone!