This has to be the best story of the year from our friends at the Russian Justice Ministry. Folowing up on the Winnie-the-Pooh-and-the-swastika business, the new extrimist list also has all sorts of implications for Russia's cities and oblasts. Especially the ones with crosses prominetly displyed on their flags and official seals.
We're talking to you Moscow and Tver!
Yes, the new regulation will brand everyone from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Bornholm, Faeroe Islands, Götaland, The Orkney Islands, The Shetland Islands, Skåneland, Scania, Småland, Wineland, Öland, and Aaland an extremist by police. In fact, under the strictest reading of the law, all Danish, Finish, Swedish, and Norwegian passport holders could technically be arrested on the spot for carrying extremist material on their person.
Not going to pay the “shtraf?” I see you’re in possession of extremist material.
That's my passport.
It's extremist material. Come with me.
But the worst part is that the Justice Ministery's own list will also make it a crime to fly any flag depicting the Russian state seal. Is everyone in a Moscow government building an extremist? What about the residents of Tver? According to the Ministry’s new list, the answer is yes.
All "flags with crosses" must be confiscated by authorities. Any person in possession of said flag is to be fined and imprisoned. If they are already under arrest, “extremism” is to be added to the charges.
We suspect that someone at the Justice Ministry didn’t think this one through completely. However, questioning the decisions of authorities is also dangerously close to extremist activity these days. For your safety Luzhkov, we suggest you take down the Russian state seal before anyone arrests you for extremism.
(Props Leopolis!)
I just knew you'd like this story....
ER exists for just these kinds of stories. =)
Perhaps I could also interest you in the Zorro of Armenia, too... http://hetq.am/en/society/zorro-bagaran/
Is that Ani in the news article you?
Luckily, not :)) But don't you just love the combination of Zorro and Red Riding Hood? And really, what are bride abductions for, anyway?
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