...her body can't cash.
Let me just start by saying, I love Pani Yulia's blog. This woman is really a true politican. She's a personal hero. Anyway, two things stood out on her blog this week.
1. Tymoshenko has publically stated that she honestly believes that the airport and stadium will be built in Lviv in plenty of time for the Euro-2012 games. Really? Really? You can't even promise housing to many of your citizens. Hey maybe if it does get completed in time, you can hoard a bunch of Ukrainians to live in the stadium like President Bush did with the Katrina victims. People still love Bush for that. Really good career move. Think about it.
2. While Yulia was in Lviv, she also made a promise that Russian would never become a second state language in Ukraine at least while she's in power. Really? Really? First, a good number of Ukrainians still speak Russian as a first language. Second, you seem to have no problem with listing Russian as the second language on your Blog. Just saying.
"...if it does get completed in time, you can hoard a bunch of Ukrainians to live in the stadium like President Bush did with the Katrina victims."
What is the suggested relation between Tymoshenko offering her blog in Russian too and declaring it the second state language? Why would one imply that she'd do the other too? Seems like two fairly different things altogether.
Ha, fair enough. Definitely a stretch there.
I just feel like it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if Russian could be used as an official language. Canada has two official languages. It's working out fine for them.
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