This weekend was horrendous for Russian people. A lot of people died. So many incidents that I'm going to shove them into one post.
Today, a suicide bomber attacked a police station in Russia's North Caucasus with an explosives-laden truck, killing at least 20 and wounding at least 60. Experts are looking into how there's anyone or anything left to blow up in the Caucasus.(YahooNews)
Also today, 8 people were killed and 54 went missing when a turbine room flooded at Russia's largest hydropower station RusHydro in Siberia. When will be learn? Going green just doesn't work! (NY Times)
On Sunday, 2 Russian air force jets rehearsing aerobatic maneuvers collided near Moscow, killing stunt pilot Col. Igor Tkachenko. (NY Times)
Small request, Russia: Take the week off. Stop with the terrorism. Check the powerplants for kinks that might kill people. Leave your planes grounded. We love you. Stay safe.
Don't forget, "Gang kills seven in Russian sauna."
So hard to keep up with these.
Oh dear Lord.
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