Dec 29, 2008

Bulgarian Police Stage Mineral Water Protest

The Sofia Weekly: About 2,500 Bulgarian police officers gathered at 11 am on Sunday in front of the building of the Interior Ministry in order to demand better working conditions.

After 4,000 policemen staged a "smoking protest" last Saturday, this time the protesters are drinking mineral water while waiting for a meeting with the Interior Minister Mihail Mikov, who is reported to be in his cabinet, and expected to talk to the protesters.

Sunday's protest is not supported by the Policemen's syndicate, and has been organized by the ordinary policemen themselves. The syndicate decided to pull back after Minister Mikov issued an order that each Bulgarian policeman would received a Christmas bonus of BGN 400.

So...I don't get this one. The smoking protest made some sense to me. 4,000 people smoking would make a visual impact. What is the point of 2,500 drinking mineral water? Did they pee on city hall?