GMF has finally made public the findings from their "Transatlantic Trends" survey (which has been quietly whispered in Washington for weeks now). The headline?
"Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, new fissures are emerging between Western and Eastern Europe — this time over President Obama’s policy toward Russia."
The good news: 77 percent of EU respondents support Obama’s handling of international affairs (four times higher than under the last administration). Now the bad news: that number drops to 60 percent in Eastern Europe, where respondents are skeptical of America's policy towards Russia.
Many have pointed out that 60 percent is still pretty high. Yet, the survey points to a larger problem just below surface -- one which is poorly understood in some circles.
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I do not think Obama wants to create what once was in Berlin and at that time also lived at war that is seen to be an honest person and want the best for the country ...
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