Oct 13, 2009

Kadyrov gets more respect than Stalin?

According to YahooNews, today a Russian court ruled against Josef Stalin's grandson, Evegeny Dzhugashvili, in a libel suit over a newspaper article that said the Soviet dictator sent thousands of people to their deaths and referred to Stalin as a "bloodthirsy cannibal." Stalin's grandson, who did not attend the trial, had demanded a retraction, a public apology, and monetary damages. He has 5 days to appeal.

So Oleg Orlov has to pay Kadyrov $2,347.90 in damages for accusing him of being complicit in the death of Human Rights activist Natalia Estemirova, but Novaya Gazeta is allowed to print that Stalin was a cannibal? Kadyrov, today, you are officially a bas a$$. Russia adores Stalin. And while I support the decision to rule against Dzhugashvili and still do not support the ruling against Orlov, I am really surprised. I'm at a loss for words. What just happened?


Pirates(and)Diplomats said...

Old Joe just ain't what he used to be.

Ern said...

I seriously still can't believe it. Where are the babushki? I would think they would come to Uncle Joe's defense.

Ella said...

Oh, babushkis were there... One of them is even managed to yell at Henry Resnik(defense lawyer)"Zhid"(i.e. a jew)

Ern said...

Ugh, really? What am I saying? Of course one screamed "zhid". The babushki are like a constant in a scientific experiment.