Jun 1, 2009

The showdown: bicycle vs. segway

It looks like Poles are getting a handle on the suing for damages philosophy.

Picture a peaceful boardwalk on a warm spring day in the beach destination of Sopot. A woman is happily biking down the boardwalk, when all of the sudden, a woman on a segway rear-ends her. The cyclist flies off the bike and injures her hand. The Sopot police is a little befuddled, since they have no precedent. They investigate the physics of the situation, calling on experts, reenactments, the whole deal. Today, the Sopot police filed charges against the segway driver. Maximum sentence: 3 years jail.

[EDIT: A new picture of beautiful Sopot, since the old one went linkdead after being hit by a segway.]

1 comment:

Pirates(and)Diplomats said...

Oh, this one is an instant classic.

I can just imagine the yelling.