If Bulgaria’s always-entertaining Boiko Borissov manages to win next month’s elections, the country will have a new prime minister. Even better, Eternal Remont will have years of new and hilarious content. Sure a Center-Right coalition of democratic parties is possible, but so is a Borissov coalition with the even-more entertaining Ataka! party.
Just how crazy is the Ataka! platform? Well for starters, the party has made “Leaving NATO” a top foreign policy priority. On the domestic front, Ataka! has stated that post-Communist privatization will be “subject to revision.” All the while, Ataka! threatens “severe sanctions” for anyone “defaming Bulgaria.”
What could possibly go wrong?
there is so much in that picture that could be taken in a bad way.
And love the name!
We should have a reader photoshop contest with that photo.
This is also the guy who has claimed that Bulgaria "is still under Turkish rule," right?
There is no love lost between Ataka and the country's Turkish minority.
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