Apr 2, 2009

NATO welcomes two wild and crazy guys

NY Times: Albania and Croatia became NATO's newest members Wednesday in a historic expansion into the volatile western Balkans region where the alliance fought its first war a decade ago.

The two Balkan nations will be ceremonially inducted into NATO during a summit in Strasbourg, France, and Kehl, Germany, on Friday and Saturday to mark the alliance's 60th anniversary. The two new states will take total members nations to 28.


Anonymous said...

Nothing there. Shame on you for assuming Obama has a soul!


Thought it was an April joke, but then saw that date is 2nd...

Anonymous said...

"Thought it was an April joke..." It was. Everyone knows everyone has a soul.


No, it wasn't a joke, though It should be :)))))
BBC:Nato welcomes Albania and Croatia

Pirates(and)Diplomats said...

Now if the Croats can only resolve their border dispute with the Slovenes, we'll be in business...

(Should have been done BEFORE they joined NATO.)