Last week, FP Magazine published a list of the “Top Five Governments that Deserve to Fail.” And since we're just now learning to about the wonders of Google Timeline, ER can finally catch up on all the crap we missed.
In the, not-a-surprise-to-anyone catagory, we discover that both Russia and Georgia are on the list. But Angela Merkel's Germany?
According to the editors, Saakashvili has got to go for his “economic and foreign-policy incompetence;” Putin deserves the boot for, eh, “failing to enact economic policies that would have aided Russia through the financial crisis” (how very brave of you FP); and someone should show Angela the door for “naysaying other countries' policies.”
Naysaying? Where the hell is Kim Jong-il?
that picture gives a certain red head a run for her money...
Is Rush Limbaugh writing for FP now?
Nah, she's just our new "Page 6 Girl."
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