Igor sends us this gem: In one of their usual anti-American rants, this time against Wall Street and the bailout (actually had a few decent points, if not for the tone), Izvestiya correspondent in DC writes the following:
В американском футболе есть такое выражение "Nail Mary pass" . Это непродуманный пас мячом наобум, на авось, а вдруг что-то получится. План Буша весьма напоминает именно такой пас - Nail Mary!
Find the Freudian slip, as they say.
Ohh! I get it: a "Freudian slip."
Har har...do you play bar mitzvahs?
I should! I could use the extra income.
Yes, everyone knows it was her son who was nailed.
Ugh, that's just in poor taste.
Chacun a son mal gout!
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