According to the Sofia Morning News, yesterday a Bulgarian court ruled that the non-profit organization Bulgarian Red Crescent was illegal on the grounds that it violated international conventions under which a country can have only one organization called “Red Cross” or “Red Crescent”. The good news I guess is that at least there is a Red Cross somewhere in Bulgaria. Excellent organization. Anyway, the founders must pay court expenses. Interesting note on the founders...
The organization was registered by the brothers Ali and Yuzeir Yuzeirovi - Bulgarian citizens and ethnic Turks (break out your Gellner). Outside of starting the Red Crescent, in October, the two also built an illegal monument - “Monument of the Unknown Turkish Warrior”. The monument was promptly removed. To be honest, I don't think a monument to the Turkish warrior would bother me, but another monument in C/E Europe would destroy my eyes. Don't we have enough statues?
In my opinion everyone must browse on this.
In my opinion everyone must browse on this.
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