In a big step, the Russian parliament moved to ratify the country's participation in the European Court of Human Rights. And it’s about time, since fully one-third of all complaints filed in the court are against Russia. That's probably significant.
But hold off on the Georgian champagne for now. In order to secure Russia's participation, European officials had to promise that the court will have no powers to actually enforce its rulings in Russia. As an additional sweetener, Russian judges will also be involved in reviewing complaints against Russia.
No word if these will be the same judges which violated Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s constitutional protection against double jeopardy, or the ones who sent him to prison in the first place.
So yeah, this is a great day for human rights.
But hold off on the Georgian champagne for now. In order to secure Russia's participation, European officials had to promise that the court will have no powers to actually enforce its rulings in Russia. As an additional sweetener, Russian judges will also be involved in reviewing complaints against Russia.
No word if these will be the same judges which violated Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s constitutional protection against double jeopardy, or the ones who sent him to prison in the first place.
So yeah, this is a great day for human rights.
Well, #CaucasusKangarooCourts has better alliteration, but we do know where Armenia and Azerbaijan learned their "justice" lessons: Russia is the master teacher for this sort of thing. One can only hope for a boomerang to come back at a future date; apparently that's the only weapon to use against kangaroos, sadly...
really it avery good site & the site gives an idea about..Russian parliament moved to ratify the country's participation in the European Court of Human Rights. And it’s about time, since fully one-third of all complaints filed in the court are against Russia. That's probably significant.
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