“Together, we have suffered through this Orange nightmare... Let us consign this history to the black pages of our lives.”--Viktor Yanukovich, the man who could be the next president of Ukraine.
The floor of the Moscow Metro with a sweet candy coating. It's irreverent, cogent, and produced by contributers who are Eurasian area specialists. Just because the Kremlin denied it does not make us wrong.
Who took that picture? Blatant Western propaganda taking pictures of the oldest, chubbiest, and least attractive people on the streets. Skewed journalism!
Meet the new first lady of Ukraine, circa November 2004:
Her speech said that the OR protesters were high on drugged oranges and that Americans were passing out felt boots to withstand the cold.
I'm just saying, top left of this picture: those young activists could have easily been front and center of the photo.
Talk to the photo editors of the NYTimes.
And, I'm willing to bet that the fellow in the middle of the picture has a few "black pages" he'd like to consign.
Just a feeling.
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