Feb 3, 2009

Serbia's Parliament "On Strike" Over Australian Open

Serbia's lawmakers went on strike last week, after state television dropped its coverage of a parliamenty debate to show the Australian Open semifinal. For some reason, the Australian Open had higher ratings. How odd.

Everyone can relax, however, since parliament is now back to business. At the top of the agenda, the first sitting of "members of the Sub-Committee on issues concerning the improvement of the position of Roma and implementation of the Decade of Roma." Apparently, the committe "elected the Sub-Committee Chairman and Deputy Chairman," and will report that the "Roma Strategy is in its final drafting stage, and that this year’s Conference on the Decade of Roma Inclusion will be dedicated to the process of education of the Roma population."


Who wants to watch the Australian Open when this kind of high politica drama is unfolding?


Ern said...

I wondered what they did while they were on strike. Perhaps watch some TV?


I have a suspicion that MPs stopped work to watch Australian Open themselves :))