Feb 26, 2009

The Holodomor Debate Continues

Yahoo: Russia issued a DVD and a thick book of historical documents on Wednesday to dispute claims that the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s amounted to genocide.

Russian archivists and historians are claiming that the Stalin-era famine — which killed millions of people — was a common tragedy across Soviet farmlands, countering efforts by Ukrainian President Yushchenko to convince the world that Ukrainians were targeted for starvation.

"Not a single document exists that even indirectly shows that the strategy and tactics chosen for Ukraine differed from those applied to other regions, not to mention tactics or strategy with the aim of genocide," said Vladimir Kozlov, head of Russia's Federal Archive Agency.

I gotta get my hands on this DVD...


Pirates(and)Diplomats said...
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Pirates(and)Diplomats said...

A "common tragedy?" The Soviets siezed emergency food shipments from the US to Ukraine and prevented grain from reaching the hungry.

They shot cows.

(double post)

Ern said...

Yeah, I would say a more "common tragedy" is that Russia keeps "editing" history so that's there's no truth left.