1. What are (if any) other historical examples of reaching out to NATO and China in the same week or so?
2. If China does something about Russia going into Georgia, will Russia be obligated to do something about China and Tibet, China and its huge influence in Central Asia and Africa, China and its annoying habit of winning the most gold medals?
3. China isn't going to help right? I mean, 1, they are kind of busy. 2, I mean there just are a number of strategic reasons not to help Georgia. 3, does China really care about human rights violations? Pot kettle black.
4. Am I the only one who thinks it's really weird a state the size of Georgia is messing with Russia, "the west", and China? Look at the map!

VOA: Georgia has asked China to use its influence to push for a resolution to a territorial flare-up with Russia. Georgia's ambassador to China, Zaza Begashvili, met with China's foreign minister to seek support in the dispute with Russia.
Afterwards, Ambassador Begashvili held a briefing for a small group of foreign and Chinese journalists. Begashvili would not say how the Chinese responded to the call for help. But, flanked by several embassy staff and supporters wearing red arm bands that read "Stop Russia!" he said he hoped China, as a great power, would make the right conclusion.
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