Aug 6, 2008

Friends Don't Wire Tap Friends...

Yes, it seems that Ron Suskind's new book, The Way of the World, reveals how loyal a friend the W really is.

The New Republic: In June 2001, Bush had the opportunity to bug Putin's hotel room in Vienna, but he wouldn't let the CIA replace the battery in the listening device. Why? Suskind writes on page 5:

When the CIA made its offer, his response was that you don't wiretap a friend. Condoleezza Rice said it was 'too risky, it might be discovered.' CIA said that if it was, it would probably heighten Putin's respect for Bush. Bush settled it--it was a gut decision. No dice.....

Thank you, Andy, for the story. And yes, you have it right. It's okay to wiretap all the Americans you want to make sure they're not terrorists. It's not okay to bug Putin. Have you seen inside this guy's soul? W has, and W has his reasons.

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Anonymous said...
