Oct 2, 2008

Moscow Makes the Top 5: Murder Capitals of the World

Foreign Policy Magazine has ranked Moscow among the world's five most dangerous cities, with 9.6 murders per 100,000 people a year. Caracas took first prize, with a jaw-dropping 130 murders per 100,000 residents. Still, the report did prompt a bit of outrage from Oleg Yelnikov over at the Russian Interior Ministry's press center. "Just think of it, Moscow and the capital of Venezuela together on that list! Sounds like a political media campaign to me," he said.

If Mr. Yelnikov is correct, and there is a vast conspiracy to sully Russia’s international reputation, then it is hard to say who is behind the plot. The same study ranked New Orleans ahead of Moscow, with 67 murders per 100,000.

Here's the official list of family-friendly destinations:
1) Caracas, Venezuela
2) Cape Town, South Africa
3) New Orleans, United States
4) Moscow, Russia
5) Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


jaybird said...

Wow. Detroit really is slipping.

Pirates(and)Diplomats said...

Seriously. If you can't keep up with Port Moresby, you've got a problem.