These days, Kremlin Inc. is happy to present itself as an emerging energy super-power. Yet, even if this is a "newly self-confident Russia," the country's generals are getting nervous. In fact, the Defence Ministry's recent reaction to US missile defence plans for E. Europe is telling.
The generals have calculated that anything which can shoot down an Iranian made Death-To-Israel IV, can do the same to any Russian-tipped ICBM. This month, Putin promised a "highly effective responce." His successor-of-the-moment, Sergei Ivanov, then announced plans for a new future weapon, which will shoot down air, ballistic, and space targets -- to be ready in 8 years. Yet, it remains highly unlikely Russia can field such a system ex nihilo. Petro dollars can make an energy-state. But Russia's lack of broad-based economic development will severely limit its ability to compete with the United States in any Cold War-styled arms race.
1 comment:
This is a great picture on SO many levels.
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