CNN: All fans traveling to the Champions League final in Moscow on May 21 can use their match tickets as visas. Monday's historic gesture -- believed to be the first time visitors to Russia will be allowed in without a visa -- was made after UEFA president Michel Platini sent a personal letter to Putin. The tickets will be valid as visas for a 72-hour period between May 19 and 23, and must be kept after the match to be shown on leaving the country.
Issue 1: Do you know what you NORMALLY have to do to get into the country?
Issue 2: I can't WAIT to see how many drunken soccer hooligans lose their tickets after the matches. We should be sure to keep track of this one.
I can hear the border guards salivating already: "Use your ticket as a visa? I'm sorry, you're terribly mistaken. Let's see if we can't get to the bottom of this problem."
cha-ching, cha-ching...
This is a bonus pay program for the police.
Cobbey Margaret Allison = Vote Mikhail Kasyanov.
The codebreakers at the Kremlin are slow on this one...
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