Jul 22, 2008

What Year Is It, Again?

I didn't realize Cuban Missile Crises were cyclical like the secadas....

Washington Post: Russian bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons could be deployed to Cuba in response to US plans to install a missile defense system in E. Europe, a Russian newspaper reported Monday, citing an unnamed senior Russian air force official. The report in Izvestia, which could not be confirmed, prompted memories of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, when the United States and the Soviet Union came to the brink of nuclear war after Khrushchev put nuclear missiles on the island. The weapons were eventually withdrawn in an apparent Soviet climb-down, but Kennedy also secretly agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey.

Some Russian experts dismissed the possibility of a new Cuban crisis. "It's very silly psychological warfare," said Alexander Golts, an independent military analyst. "Putin and Medvedev are very militant in words but very cautious in practical issues. I cannot see any reason to raise this threat against the US" But "if it's true, it looks like a repetition of the Caribbean crisis" he said, using the common Russian term for the Cuban missile crisis.

1 comment:

Laurine said...

The dude is completely just, and there is no skepticism.