Nov 21, 2006

Cultural Learnings of Ukraine

The folks at the purpotedly-prestigious Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP) in Kyiv have a new favorite student - David Duke, the Imperial Wizard of the KKK and former state representative for the glorious state of Louisiana.

With hate-mongering no longer as successful of a venture in the US of A (damn that Martin Luther King, civil rights, and those AIPAC "Zionist pigs"), Duke has moved onto greener pastures - namely, Russia and Ukraine, where this modern-day Gray Wizard Saruman can spew his hatred to a shamefully-enthusiastic audience.

"After receiving an honorary degree from MAUP a few years earlier, Duke obtained a PhD in history from the university in September 2005 for his doctoral thesis entitled "Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism." Must've been quite a read, just like that antisemitic Walt & Mearsheimer rag on the Jewish lobby, which they dared call "substantiated research". But misery does love company:

David Duke is now a big fan:

Shame on you, MAUP.

The Kyiv Post has the full story here:


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