According to most Russians. According to most Russians, dill should be used in every dish. According to most Russians, sitting on the floor will freeze your ovaries...
So, more than half of the Russians who participated in a Levada Center poll say that bribing officials is the best way to "solve problems." And more than that, they believe that everyone's doing it. Would you jump off a bridge if everyone else was, Russia? Yeah, you probably would... Sigh.
Ah yes, the tyranny of dill.
Dill for breakfast.
Dill for lunch.
Dill with an afternoon munch...
There are two kinds of Slavophiles. Those who believe that dill is vile and nasty, and those who believe that dill is the herb of the gods.
Dill haters need to stop hating. Every try dill-infused vodka? Nectar of the gods.
Oh, yes; in Russia I would (and have) done it....and I LOVE dill - in just about everything!
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