For those of you that haven't heard, Polish President Lech Kaczynski along with a group of Polish elites died today when their plane crashed in (guess where) Russia. The Polish leaders had been going to Russia to jointly commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre.
And just earlier this week Putin denies Russia's involvement in the uprising in Kyrgyzstan which has ousted President Bakiyev...three letters KGB (or FSB if we go with the new lingo)
Just remember that ER said it first.
Although unfortunately we are unlikely to be the last, and others may not mean it as facetiously.
On a serious note, prayers and thoughts out to the families and friends of those killed
I do hope that ER is not seriously peddling bullshit conspiracy theories.
I refer you to this sentence: "Although unfortunately we are unlikely to be the last, and others may not mean it as facetiously."
Too early. The Russians have handled this tragedy very touchingly and elegantly.
My apologies if it seemed disingenuous, my prayers and thoughts go out to the families and friends of those killed. Hoped if anything to get ahead of the tripe that will come out in the aftermath by exposing its absurdity
the absurdity of such arguments/conspiracy theories, which unfortunately have already been broached seriously by other sites
Anonymous - the point was pretty obviously to ridicule and shame the inevitable conspiracy theorists, not to peddle such theories. It's exactly the opposite of what you're choosing to read into it.
I am really shocked for the death of Lech Kaczynski.He was a perfect ruler.So sad..
Whatever the intent of the original blog entry, the fact that no subsequent blog has been forthcoming in ten days is ominous. Did you guys get yourselves lined up and shot, or what?
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