Big mistake Paul, you'd better turn down the recent bid from the Russian National Association of Bookmakers to come stay in the Moscow oceanarium, because we all remember what happened to the last fish that tried to move into Putin's pond...
The floor of the Moscow Metro with a sweet candy coating. It's irreverent, cogent, and produced by contributers who are Eurasian area specialists. Just because the Kremlin denied it does not make us wrong.
1 – 200 of 772 Newer› Newest»Forget about predicting the Russian elections. I stayed up all last night listening to the Alex Jones Show. It sounds like this one world government thing is real. We'll need a leader. All hail the all-knowing octopus. In 2011 President Paul should lead the world into a new era of having a leader which will know exactly what will happen next.
I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. German Translator.
I really Enjoy read this topic.I stayed up all last night listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Chinese Translation.
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